Trump admin adds Tuvalu to list of countries to circumvent anti-Muslim charges in travel ban


WASHINGTON – White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Thursday that the Trump administration plans to add the Polynesian island nation Tuvalu to the list of countries in the next draft of the proposed travel ban, in order to circumvent anti-Muslim discrimination charges.

The announcement comes after rulings from two federal judges have temporarily blocked the revised travel ban.

“The accusation of discrimination, as we face a danger so real, is baseless and in itself a security threat,” Spicer said. “But to prove that there is nothing against Muslims in our proposed ban, we are going to add a non-Muslim state in the next draft, which we expect to be passed as soon as possible.

Earlier, federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland blocked the 90-day ban on immigration for citizens of six Muslim-majority countries namely, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

When asked how Tuvaluans would fit in the Trump administration’s claims of being a ‘security threat’ considering none of their citizens have been involved in any terror attacks, Spicer retorted strongly.

“How many Iranians have been involved in attacks inside the US?” he asked. “Let me reiterate it is not about what citizens in certain countries have done in the past, it’s about what we feel they can do in the future. And as of today we feel that residents of Tuvalu can jeopordise US interests if they are not added to our next travel ban draft.”

Reacting to the news of a potential travel ban, Enele Sopoaga the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, a country with little over 10,000 residents, was surprised.

“What is this place United States of America that you speak of? Frankly it’s the first time I’m hearing the name.”


  1. Im shocked and confused that the us of A is actually fearing the smallest ever country in the world. That is just an act of critisicism,but dont forget what goes around will surely comes around…..mainly for those sucking d.trumps ass

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