#ArticleSixForBizenjo tweets man with Musharraf DP 


(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

#ArticleSixForBizenjo tweeted a man whose twitter profile display picture is an image of former President General (r) Pervez Musharraf. 

The man, whose twitter username is ‘Asad ??’ and his twitter handle ‘PAkDefender’ tweeted the trending hashtag without any additional comment, even as the picture General Musharraf remained his display picture. 

Not much could be ascertained about the person from his twitter bio, which simply read “Lover of my homeland beautiful country PAKISTAN. Speaking against corruption and promoting positive image of Pakistan.” 

According to details, the hashtag #ArticleSixForBizenjo was the top trending hashtag in Pakistan on Friday, the day after Mir Hasil Bizenjo lost out on the Senate Chairmanship after a vote of no confidence by the joint opposition against Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani fell short by three votes. 

Numerous people continued to tweet the hashtag throughout the day. Many had display pictures featuring other political figures, including Prime Minister Imra Khan and still Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani. 

Asad ?? ’s timeline also revealed that he has in the past tweeted other popular hashtags including #IAmNotMalala, #GanjuGang, and #IAmISPR.