Excited Imran Khan going as legitimately elected Prime Minister for Halloween


(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

Excited to be attending his first Halloween in the annals of power in Islamabad, Imran Khan has picked ‘Legitimately elected Prime Minister’ as his costume.

“I know, I know, it’s a little ambitious, but I really think I’ll be making a statement” said the former cricket star talking to The Dependent.

“I remember back until ‘92, I used to dress up as world cup winning captain, but then that actually happened and I mean, going as myself for Halloween just isn’t something I’d do” he went on to say.

“Since then it’s been a string of different costumes. Last year I went as Chairman of an Independent opposition party. Now that was a hoot, but this year I’m 100% about what I want to go as.”

“It has always been a dream. And even if it’s for one night, I just want to know what it feels like” he ended on an emotional note.

Meanwhile, senior companions of Khan also supported the idea, with Jehangir Tareen sounding off with loud approval.

“Girl you are gonna slay” he said as per reliable sources.

The Dependent has also learned that Mr Tareen has been celebrating Halloween early this year. He has been in costume since as early as August, going around in a vintage ‘Usman Buzdar’ costume.