Voltaire defended to death my right to destroy Ko Ko Korina: Momina Mustehsan


(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

ISLAMABAD – Responding to outrage over her rendition of Ko Ko Korina, which on Friday was condemned by the United Nations as a “brutal and senseless attack”, Momina Mustehsan took to Twitter to set the record straight.

Mustehsan’s reaction came on Twitter after Federal Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari, expectedly, called out the attack as “horrendous.”

“Voltaire defended to death my right to destroy Ko Ko Korina #FreedomOfExpression #HumanRights #IAmPrettyAndWoke” tweeted Mustehsan on Monday in response to global condemnations.

Mustehsan further added that those disliking her version of the song were actually doing so under global political pressure.

“When you listen to my song, its not about politics or his/her own anymore – it’s about me at large. Expressing dislike for something I did is cyber-bullying and hate speech, please don’t fuel it further #SocialResponsibility #FreeSpeech #IAmPrettyAndWoke”

Renowned free speech activist Taher Shah expressed solidarity with Mustehsan over the digital violence that expressing dislike for her performance was.

“Angel… I am human rights angel… Free speech angel… I and you, are both like angels… within human rights, is an angel #FreeSpeech #HumanRightsAngel #ItooAmPrettyAndWoke” Shah tweeted.

At press time, Mustehsan was being told on Twitter that it was actually an Evelyn Beatrice Hall quote which had been wrongly attributed to Voltaire, just like Momina Mustehsan has been wrongly attributed as a “singer-songwriter, musician” on her Wikipedia page.