Dentists still not real doctors, clarify nation’s real doctors in wake of Alvi’s election


(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

Real MBBS doctors from all over the nation have come forward to assert that just because a dentist is now going to be President, does not mean that the profession should be given any more respect, or that God forbid, people start considering dentists actual doctors.

Speaking to multiple pressers held in all major cities of the country, all kinds of real doctors came forward immediately after the election to make sure that no one got any wrong ideas.

“Let me assure you that no matter what, dentists will never be real doctors,” said Dr Amir Khan speaking at the central Islamabad presser of the ‘Doctor’s for the continued integrity of real doctors’ said.

“We know that the nation has not entertained this thought. But we can’t take any chances on this, and we have to take every chance to remind dentists that they’re basically not much more than teeth masons” said Dr Ehtisham Khan at the Lahore media talk.

“We’re not trying to be confrontational or anything. Trust us we were planning on reminding the nation about this just for the hell of it in a couple of weeks but the situation has forced our hand” said Dr Fahad Khan in Peshawar.

“We promise that just as a means to.ensure that this unthinkable situation never arises, we will jump up our rhetoric. The number of snide remarks and whatsapp forwards will increase exponentially. Be prepared dentists, the parents of dentists, and the spouses of dentists. This one wannabe doctors haveade things harder for all of you” said Dr Zameer Ahmed in Karachi.

“Mark our words, just because he holds the highest office in the land, does not mean we start respecting the profession’ ended their official, joint statement.



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