Drawbacks of National Youth Policy


This is with regards to the feature, ‘National Youth Policy and its grey areas’ published yesterday. The writer has done remarkable research and analysis. However, it would have been better if the feature were followed by interviews of the students and youth (working as well as non-working) in order to see their side of the picture as well and to know what they think and want from the government. It is pertinent to note here that the government of our country concentrates more on imparting technical education among youth and only produces paper MBAs, etc.
For the youth to play a productive role in the success of this country, it has to add to the industrial production as well, which over a long period of time would help us become a self sufficient country rather than a country that relies on imports only. China, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia are great examples to follow as to how youth can form part of the mainstream. Even India is quite ahead of us and now Bangladesh has also surpassed us.

Rana Saqib