Deadline scientists warn government’s deadline reserves depleting rapidly


In a unanimously signed communique, a group of the nation’s 23 leading deadline scientists have warned that the government’s deadlines reserves are depleting at a rapid rate.

“The lapse of the second deadline for the protestors at Faizabad to disperse is just the latest instance of state deadlines being squandered away,” said Dr Saleem Mandanr, lead author of the communique. “The reserves of the deadlines are depleting at an unsustainably rapid rate.”

“I think we have to accept that pretty soon, we will have to deal with a situation where the state does not have any deadlines to give,” said Dr Faiza Ishtiaq, Chairperson Deadline Science department at Habib University, Karachi. “The ones that do remain, will not be worth any value and will be ignored completely.”

The scientists were of the view that the remaining deadlines that the government has at its disposal should be used responsibly. “Any situation that requires a deadline should be allotted only one deadline. In fact, some of such situations should also be done without deadlines to begin with. We should try a ‘dharraam’ approach every now and then.”