Clubs sans politics


Punjab Governor Salman Taseer should have refrained from issuing malicious political statements while addressing a function in connection with Golf Championship organized by a club situated on Upper Mall Lahore. The sanctity of this old and highly respected club stands violated because clubs are not venues for issuing political statements to protect or harm vested interests but are places for social and sport activities.

As it is, the atmosphere of this club, once known as an exclusive club for elite gentlemen and ladies, has already been tarnished with reports of fist fights by the Jiyala dominated committee. Of late they have been instrumental in destroying the atmosphere of what the members perceive to be their second home. December is election time and everything seems to be fair during campaigning, parties and feasting being in full swing and indiscipline being order of the day, although club rules prohibit such campaigning.

From an elite club to an awami club, it has been a fast slide for what was once a legacy of the Raj. The past few years have witnessed the club membership being sold to cronies willing to buy their way in, irrespective of their status or acceptability in accordance with rules and traditions.

