Modernising and automating traffic systems in Lahore


Regardless of the incalculable amount expended for the expansion of roads and related infrastructural projects by the Punjab government, the chaotic traffic congestion in Lahore is still far from being resolved. Numerous reasons have accelerated the already miserable traffic conditions. The colossal increase in the number of motor vehicles has tremendously added up to the existing issue of disorderly traffic flow. Even with a consistent rise in fuel prices, the traffic witnesses no relief. In recent past, the major arteries like Canal Road, Mall Road, Jail Road, Ferozepur Road and Ravi Road were considered wide enough to bear a fluent traffic movement even at peak rush hours. However, this opinion has now become outdated.

It is therefore necessary to analyse the traffic conundrum in the city and the causes that have led to a stark increase in traffic on the roads. The government’s infatuation with construction and the public’s lack of perception over what really counts as development has led this country to this point where it finds itself severely shorthanded and understaffed in management and maintenance of its extensive road system and as a consequence, the ensuing traffic. There is a wide list of suitable ideas that can circumvent this traffic problem. Unfortunately, the government of Punjab’s focus is on widening the roads, minimising the green belts and increasing the number of traffic wardens in the city. However, the solution lays in implementing modern and automated traffic management systems that have the potential to resolve these chaotic logjams. Furthermore, the amount of vehicles is to be controlled.

The city has a nonexistent public transport system and the class-conscious aspect of the society contributes to the problem. As responsible citizens, we extend to demand the relevant government departments to devise a solution before the situation gets out of hand. The ever-expanding traffic congestion is not only generating public frustration and impatience, but has also become an economic hurdle.