Wake up


Whether it was the killing of seven people by a lone gunman – Mohamed Merah in Toulouse last year or Boston brothers spraying bullets on marathon runners or the stunning murder of a British soldier in South-East London , May 22, all send a same signal that these are not acts of just one ‘lone-wolf’. These killers may not have a physical link with each other but have the mental one. How to describe the behaviour of a rebel commander eating the heart of a dead Syrian soldier or the one in Woolwich, his hands covered in blood, asking the passers-by to photograph him.
In view of possible backlash against Muslims and their mosques, security has been stepped up, a few miscreants were arrested while trying to attack mosques. Ordinary Brits need to understand that an-eye-for-eye reaction will be same as playing into the terrorists hands. They will just blow any such reaction to their advantage to recruit more comrades. We presume Britain is not Pakistan wherein police will either disappear or simply stand by when non-Muslim communities are attacked after even a non-proven charge of blasphemy.
It’s time for introspection for Brits to look for people and institutions preaching hatred among young generations using the freedom of speech. A freedom without strings of law will result in what happened in Woolwich the other day. Wake up Britain.