Misplaced priorities


It is disturbing to see that our priorities are totally misplaced when it comes to usage of our scarce natural gas resources. It is high time that we acknowledge the fact that demand has exceeded supply of natural gas and we should get our priorities aligned in terms of using gas resources where there is potential for most economic benefits in the long run.
It is an interesting fact that Pakistan is the 27th largest producer of natural gas however it is ranked number 1 in using CNG as a fuel alternate. In my opinion, the larger economic benefit in using CNG as a fuel substitute is negligible compared with if the same gas is used for domestic and industrial usage. We are the same consumers who queue up at CNG stations to fill up our fuel tanks and yet we protest when our stoves are out because of lack of domestic supply.
I agree that it is the government’s responsibility to provide its citizens with affordable means; however, as citizens we should take responsibility for our own actions. As an immediate measure the government should stop the supply of natural gas to all four wheeler private vehicles. Surely, if users of two wheeler motorbikes can afford petrol then the owners of private cars can do so too. In the long run, the government should start to phase out the use of CNG in public transport too since apart from this being a huge burden on the natural gas resources, they also pose a significant danger to the safety of passengers. The transport industry will naturally pass on the difference in fuel cost as increase in fares and to avoid this, the government can subsidise the fuel cost difference.
Natural gas is a valuable resource for all the people of this country, so let us all work together in preserving this commodity.