Surely the need is being felt that Pakistan too ought to move along according to global standards for protection of human rights, thus the moratorium on death punishment is being considered as a huge step keeping in view the faulty justice system of our country.
One must, however, bear this in mind that rights of humans are also violated when people live in sub human conditions without the basic needs such as education and health being fulfilled. Institutionlised corruption, incompetence, nepotism etc violate people’s rights at a much larger scale in this country.
Furthermore, terrorism has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent people, including women and children. Why don’t we hear human rights claimants sympathising with them? Who will fight for the rights of our common man whose life is in danger 24/7?
One must keep in mind that Pakistan is at war. It may not be the conventional one, but it surely is no less devastating in its effects. The army is under great stress. The dynamics of war cannot be compared to those at times of peace, and the crime committed by M Hussain, who was hanged for killing a colleague was something that the institution could do without. Instead of jumping the band wagon of army bashers, one needs to carry a situational analysis and present a strong case to the world.
The death punishment may be unacceptable in normal circumstances, but in the backdrop of an army engaged in war, any incident that makes allowances for intra-organisational rivalries had to be dealt with severely. Surely, we must look at what is more important and appropriate course of action rather than pleasing those who are looking for reasons to be displeased.