Why hydropower?


Hydropower is globally recognised as a renewable, cheap and reliable resource of energy. It generates electricity with zero emission and produces no waste. There is no requirement of fuel, operating cost is much lower and hydropower plants have longer economic lives than thermal plants. Pakistan has total installed power generation capacity of 20,456 MW. However, dependable or de-rated capacity is in the range of 14,000 to 16,000 MW during the year, due to variety of factors, whereas demand for electricity is increasing at an average annual rate of eight peer cent. Thus, there is gross power shortage at national level, demand being projected to around 22,000 MW by the year 2010.
To resolve the power crisis in long-term and to sustain economic growth, optimal development of hydropower is needed. There are, however, hosts of risks, constraints and specific issues linked to undertaking hydropower projects. These include geological risks, hydrological constraints, problems in water use, need for infrastructure, environmental issues, social problems and generating political consensus. Thus, the complexity and long lead-time inhibits private sector to invest in hydropower projects, in spite of various fiscal and non-fiscal incentives being offered in this regard. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the government to effectively address the above vital issues relating hydropower development and generation in the country.


  1. Hydropower is not only a most viable source of energy but also the only source for water, this alone overrides the constraints mentioned in the letter, agriculture is the back bone of Pakistan's economy, contributes 24% to GDP, earns 60% of the export revenues, provides jobs to half the labour force of the country and provides livelihood directly to 70% of the rural population. Loss in food production is causing severe inflation, forcing 12 of the 18 crore people to spend all their income on purchase of food, pushing 8 crore people below the poverty line compared to the 5 crore in 2008.

  2. Some people belonging to Punjab, want to use the new ams to turn Sindh into desert. Water Accord – 1991 was signed 22 years ago but due to intransigence of might Punjab, whereas limited water was to be released downstream Kotri to meet needs of 2.6 million people and save Indus delta -the sixth largest in the world but water is not being released due to conspiracy hatched by Punjab. Consequently, Indus delta has been ruined and 2.6 million, Muslims and Pakistan Sindhis are dying in Sindh.

    Production of power from Coal through out the world is more than 50 per cent, and atomic energy more than 20 per cent whereas Hyderl power is hardly 7 to 8 per cent but Punjab is insisting to build controversial KBD for this purpose in order to usurp Sindh's share of water. Therefore, people like Khurshid Anwer are creating hatred against Sindh by releasing fake data / information since long. very sad.

    • Its idiots like you claim such BS. Your base philosophy is "its punjabi conspiracy, lets not think, just stop them from whatever they are doing"! You stupid BC and petty thinking stops development! Wadera soch ke mein boht wadi shae haiga! Phuddi da na ho to!

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