PPP vs Lyari


So this time the raids in Lyari started, and to the surprise of everyone, they weren’t the cosmetic raids like they have been traditionally. That immediately sent up all kinds of bells and whistles going in the thinking person’s mind. And the thought process went something like this: Lyari is an area of PPP loyalists, its patrons (Zulfiqar Mirza and the happy band of PPP biggies) are in power, the police and CID follow the orders of the government, so why is there an earnest attempt to actually bring order to Lyari?

Without sounding too much like a conspiracy theorist, I felt that there was something not right with that picture. The only thing that was making sense was that the PPP-backed element that was in iron-clad control of Lyari had somehow gotten on the wrong side of their lords and masters. Could it be the meeting between the banned outfit, People’s Amn Committee or PAC and PML-N? Nawaz’s people made the effort to go to Uzair Baloch’s house and conduct that meeting. Not only had there been a conversation, but the leaders of PAC had given the impression that maybe it was time for them to explore political options other than PPP.

The powers cape of Lyari was changing with the release of Arshad Pappu. He was let go after 60, yes folks, 60 cases against him were dismissed. There was talk of him teaming up with Katchi Resistance Committee and threatening the power of PAC. I guess when all the criminal elements were given refuge in the heart of Karachi amidst innocent fathers, mothers and children; it was never considered that their loyalty would be in question. They would have the run of the Lyari, a free hand to torture and kill for their benefactors and serve PPP. They would not only create a zone in the heart of the city where bodies could drop and detractors tortured like nobody’s business but they would also preserve a huge vote-bank for PPP.

It seemed that as soon as the integrity of that vote-bank was threatened, the green light was given for this raid. Hit ‘em hard and teach ‘em a lesson. The strange thing was that something so clear to some of us was not being discussed by everyone. People were quick to jump on the “Hate MQM” bandwagon saying that the violence was MQM backed because they wanted to gain hold of Lyari but that all changed with PAC member Zafar Baloch’s bombshell interview. According to him not only did PPP want them neutralised for leaning towards PML-N but specifically wanted him dead because he could provide priceless testimony against PPP. He claimed that PPP was not only responsible for the violence but also for provision of weapons to the gangs in Lyari. Now Uzair and Zafar Baluch have been placed on Exit Control lists. The PAC has all the hounds of PPP in full pursuit of them. The drop-scene of this fiasco promises to be intriguing. How will Dr Frankenstein deal with this out-of -control monster?

Apparently, even as the violence in Lyari is dominating the news desks, it is not considered prudent by the government to send in the Rangers for a quick resolution! Is curbing “lawlessness” in non-violent MQM dominated areas so important that the Rangers are focused there rather than where they are needed most?
All political parties have an agenda and it is those agendas that make them appealing to different people. But when these political parties blatantly defy the laws of not only their country but of God, it is up to the people to hold them accountable. It does not help that as soon as questionable events happen, we throw blame at everyone except the political parties that we follow. Loyalty is admirable but blind faith is ignorance. Stand up to what is wrong and make your voice heard. There are more of us then there are of them. As a wise man once said: “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing.”


  1. People’s Aman Committee (PAC) was promoting gang war in Lyari and this group has become a major problem for law and order situation. I think Lyari operation is a must for the peace in our beautiful city Karachi.

  2. Three main characters are missing in action from whole Lyari story "Sharjeel memon, Zulfiqar Mirza and Lord Nazir Ahmed". I still trying to figure it out why Nawaz Sharif is supporting #PAC criminals? anyone

  3. Zeba Ansari writes like a pro and she adds her heart to her writings. This is the second in a row from her which has been published by Pak Today. Bravo.

  4. People of Lyaari have been exploited by political parties every now and then!
    A very interesting perspective given by the writer… I agree with most of the points highlighted here!!
    Look forward to more articles like these from Pak today!!!

  5. Very interesting article. The resident should understand that these killers, drug dealers need to be taken off the street. This is not good for their children. I failed to understand that despite of many people from the police including a SHO there are some political parties including Jamat Islami who are in favor of those drug dealers so they can get their foot in that area. PML N is demonstrating the same behaviour for their own sake. Is this what we should do when we need to take care of a problem?

  6. Very interesting article. PAC Terrorist Child's of Mirza IG Sindh said Majority crime in Karachi involved This area & this Terrorist Group anti Pakistan forces suport him Govt and Law Enforcement Agencies must take action against him

  7. PAC was Zulfikar Mirza promoted terrorist group who wanted to secceed from Pakistan. See his statements against the sanctity of Pakistan. Zafar Baloch too is playing in the hands of US backed terror. where is this Z mirza now? where is this shahi sayedd?

  8. Thank you very much, Ms Ansari, for writing another insightful article–an eye-opener. I hope that our so-called leaders should think beyond politics and their personal gains and refrain from destroying innocent lives in their pursuit for power.

  9. u r becoming biased, this is not the only operation in the history of karachi, we all hav seen the bloody operation from 92-2000, u must admit that PAC is the founder of this kinda terrorism in Lyari & in other parts of Karachi, before 2008, Lyari is one the most peaceful area of Karachi, there were gangs exists bt they never hurt any citizen be4, bt now this PAC gang, they looted Karachi ites lyk any thing, m agreed wid u that if this kinda horror & Terror found in any area of Karachi, there must b operation in that perticular part. but defencing PAC is somethng very really pethatic.

  10. u r wrong this tym again, y wud MQM want ths area, ths area never belong to MQM, nd if MQM want that area, this is a political right of any party to work in any area they want, MQM provides drinking water in Lyari & the Islands of Karachi, no 1 ever done this in last 100 yrs, this is all rubbish, no MQM want to migrate any baloch or anybody from Karachi, u gotta check ur inside too man, PAC starts a series of non stop Violence & crimes in the City, extortion, ransom, looting etc etc. actually PPP used Balochs & Lyari residents against MQM, infact MQM has no conflicts with this community. think & think & think.

  11. Good analysis based on facts.
    – Mirza claimed he distributed 3 lac weapons for using it & not for keeping it at home.
    – It was further verified after Zafar Baloch who admitted that PPP had given them heavy weapons for using it against MQM to take control & capture MQM dominated areas.
    – Police /rangers can easily access raid in MQM dominated areas but in PPP/ANP controlled a…reas they face heavy resistance
    – The criminal activities in Karachi during the few years increases drastically and definitely if someone compiles a data of crimes/criminal sketching/language affiliation etc it would be definitely overt that the majority of criminals doesn’t belong to Karachi either Pakhtoon (ANP belonging) or other ethnic groups.
    – Any individual/media person if visit the critical areas (Mostly controlled by ANP/PAC) definitely they would not return safely.
    – The whole Karachi (MQM dominated areas) is open to any community, but ANP/PAC /PPP controlled areas are restricted and are no go areas. Any non Urdu speaking person can freely move & do business in MQM dominated area but for sure any Urdu Speaking cannot enter in ANP/PPP/PAC controlled areas

    • Right bec these r some points to be investigated and Mirza still dont have any answer. All of Karachi know that Mirza brutaly murdered Innocent ppl of karachi. ANP is involved in Plundering /looting & Kidnaping/Drugs /Human traficing in Karachi.
      By the way i wonder why MQM being a largest stakeholder is silent or they extremely changed thier policies of reacting or defending thier dominated population!?

  12. I remember good days before ANP/PAC in Karachi when at least people were able to move any where in Karachi. Almost all ethnicity love each other. Baloch & Pakhtoon were like brothers. however after ANP & PAC & MIRZa which distorted the name of Baloch & Pakhtoons.
    Excellent Article, Dafinately PAC ANP destroyed the peace of Karachi. Sheltered Criminals Looters and Murderers. Drug & Arm dealing is done by them on huge level. I believe armed forces/inte agencies are well aware about it so do the Media as well. PAC should be eliminated and Mirza should be investigated arrested for leading terrorist and killing the innocent.

  13. With Layari people trying to ungrip themselves from PPP after serving them for 50 years. Gabol joined MQM as he is out of ppp but could not do it alone. So between ppp providing arms, Gabol joining MQM, PML trying to set foot, not even hoodlums of Layari know who to be freind with and in the process loyalties are changing and outcome will be know in next 5 to 10 years and thousands of killing who will come on top.

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