Advertising trends in 2011


This is with regards to the feature, “Advertising- a mélange of creativity and ingenuity”, published on 09/01/12. Advertising industry of Pakistan has massively grown and flourished over the years. Internationally as well, companies have been considerably making use of youth advertisement because of which humour has been taken into account many a time. Humour surely increases the brand recall for a product for it has the ‘sharing’ attribute and appeal that normally attracts a lot of audience. Likewise, it did not come to me as a surprise when I saw that Ufone had received the best advertising campaign award for the year 2010-2011. Ufone advertisements are truly an amalgamation of fun and some out of the box humour, well knitted into surreal yet meaningful content to successfully put up a comedy theatre for its viewers. Similarly, most of the other companies last year also seemed to tactfully make use of humour in order to drive the consumer behaviour in a constructive way. For example, Telenor’s aggressive advertising was a very well thought out campaign and surely deserved a pat on the back and it did inculcate some serious positive thinking in the minds of youth.



  1. so we can electronic media is playing its vital role in department of advertising ….. but it would be even better if u could also mention the role of some other channels as well like print media and some other channels ….

  2. so we can say that electronic media is playing its vital role in department of advertising ….. but it would be even better if u could also mention the role of some other channels as well like print media and some other channels ….

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