PTI promises PTI government in PTI manifesto


(Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. Learn to take a joke; you’ll live longer.)

The Pakistan Tehrik Insaaf has laid out a comprehensive plan of putting a PTI government in power in the PTI manifesto.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony of the said manifesto, PTI Chairman Imran Khan said that the PTI will work hard to provide a PTI government in the country.

“We provides the people of the people of KP with a PTI government for five full years. Now the time has also come for the rest of the country” he said.

“Currently there is a sum total of zero PTI government in the country, even in KP. If we are elected, we promise to turn these numbers around.”

“If you, the voters, decide to put into power any party other than the PTI, you won’t have a PTI government,” he said.

“Don’t take my word for it. Go and read the election manifestos of all the other main political parties. None of them – I repeat, none of them – promise a PTI government if they are elected.”



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