Will be able to replicate Orange Line in Peshawar at fraction of cost: PTI photoshop wing


The Pakistan Tehrik i Insaaf’s photoshop wing has claimed that they will soon be able to replicate Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif’s orange line metro train project in Peshawar at a fraction of the cost and less than half the time.

“This Shahbaz Sharif thinks he’s the stuff, making all these development projects and improving infrastructure. People get easily impressed by this, What they do not know is that the PTI’s cutting edge and dynamic photoshop wing can rally and lobby to make the same project a reality in KP in only a few minutes” said Mehmood Awan, General Secretary of the Photoshop Wing speaking to The Dependent.

The PTI’s Photoshop Wing has been a great resource for the party in the past. Using photoshop and flashy templates, they have created record breaking and historic development figures in the past, and people widely continue to believe them.

Meanwhile, on the Orange line front, the PTI Photoshop Wing has claimed that this project will take at least 2 months to complete, and will cost anywhere up to Rs 5000.

“Normally this would have been done in minutes and for free. But recently the intern that had photoshop on his laptop has parted ways with us and picmonkey has stopped offering its services for free. So now we are deliberating which service to acquire for this project” Mehmood Awan told The Dependent.

It is widely believed by political analysts that the Wing is the true power house in the PTI as its main methods of deception and ignorance of numbers and facts serve the party’s operational methodology.

“It doesn’t really matter that the stuff we use photoshop to make isn’t even true. We have people eating out of our hands, including the foreign media, because look, we never planted a billion trees and enrollment in KP is pathetic – but does that matter? No!” said the Wing’s President answering a question posed by The Dependent. 

It is yet to be seen how things end, as the Wing is divided into two factions at the moment, one supporting photoshop and the other picmonkey. The former refer to themselves as “Photoshopians” and the others themselves’ as “Imran kai monkeys.”


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