Multiple petitions filed with copyright office by media houses for exclusive rights to ‘Game of Thrones’ reference.


With Season 7 of the hugely popular hit TV series Game of Thrones airing weekly, most media houses and English dailies have rushed to the Copyright Registration Office of Pakistan to gain exclusive rights to using the words ‘Game of Thrones’ (GOT) as a reference to the current political drama in the country.

The phrase has already been used in op-ed pieces, talk shows and countless social media posts.

“Our clients think there is still some applicability and credit for original thought left in these words”, explained Senior lawyer Akram Sheikh outside the copyright office while filing the paperwork for his client Jang Group.

Nameem Buhari who was also present on the spot representing ARY Network said “this season only has seven episodes so no time to waste, I think we can get more juice out of it in the coming weeks”

Due to the increasing number of applications being filed by channels, authors, newspapers who initially thought they were the first and only ones to draw the obvious comparison between the show and the PML-N’s conundrum; the copyright office has prepared a viva voce to test the applicants’ GOT knowledge before accepting all future applications.

At time of filing, Mubashar Luqman could be seen arguing with a grinning copyright officer for asking a trick question where he replaced the names of Daenerys Targaryen’s three dragons (Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserio) with Aegon Targaryen’s (Balerion, Meraxes and Vhagar) and asked who rode which dragon.

“Hah – rookie mistake” snickered Kamran Khan who was next in line for the test.