How fair is the Fair Trial Bill?


How on earth a democratically elected parliament could pass the controversial Fair Trial Bill? It is beyond comprehension as to why politicians have succumbed to the pressure of the military establishment. The matter of grave concern is not the law but how this law could be manipulated against the people. Though it will be the politicians who shall be the most affected as such bills will give cover to the agencies who are already bugging and tapping phones.
In my opinion, this bill will not aim to achieve higher conviction rates but to settle personal scores. Political manoeuvring for vested interests and ulterior motives would be the order of the day and the list of missing people may increase.
Those at the helm of affairs, especially heading the intelligence agencies, should ensure their subordinates should not misuse the power granted to them and people should not be framed for personal enmities. It is requested that the authorities responsible must take extreme care regarding the privacy of the people.


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