Changes are everywhere


The society of Pakistan is changing rapidly. Her people particularly living in big cities have never experienced changes as they have been experiencing for the last two decades. The influx of satellite channels has transformed our way of life tremendously. The cooking programs on these channels have altered our eatery habits. The bottled water has become indispensable for the people to use. French fries is being sold at aver nook and cranny. Women have become more sensitive about their health and shape than ever. The nearby parks of every residential area of our big cities are flocked by these shape conscious women. Cell phone is necessary for everyone to carry and due to SMS the syntax of our national language has been under severe threats. Mobile phone companies are free to do with our youth what they want to do.
Educational institutions particularly our universities are encouraging new ways of celebrations such as their students at a convocation love to throw their mortarboards in the air to celebrate their educational achievements. Political parties are holding candle light vigil to pray for a person in trouble. Youth are encouraged to make difference of opinion to their elders. Girls are encouraged to do what they want to do in the name of fashion and boldness. School children are openly encouraged to use English language and avoid their national language as much as they can. Many motorbike manufactures producing lower rate substandard motorcycles are encouraging the youth to purchase either in one-go and on installments which has resulted in taking away their precious time of their formative years of their age, increasing a persistent noise in our residential areas and they are trying hard to learn one wheeling.