Beauty industry and students


Self-confidence and physical appearance are very much related with the use of such products. There are many social and cultural standards set in every society of the world for women and they are constantly striving to achieve those standards. These standards have been set by our media. Magazines and television portray unrealistic representation of people and have a negative effect on the self-confidence on young teenagers. Beauty industry uses highly beautiful models in their advertisements and students start idealizing them. Magazines, TV shows, billboards and advertisements are responsible for many problems and incorrect concepts being forced on and negatively affecting teenagers today. The inaccurate and negative concepts being portrayed by these sources are giving youth an incorrect impression and interpretation of the world and the people in it. Perhaps the largest opportunity for positive change lies within the media industry itself. If enough people challenge the modern standards of beauty by providing alternatives to the single, rigid ideal, then those who work in the mainstream media will be pressured to change their behaviors and begin to portray men and women more realistically.