President has a chance


I read the news story with a pleasure that President Asif Ali Zardari has advised PM Raja Pervaiz Ashraf to respect the court and should appear before the Supreme Court on Monday in response to the show cause notice for contempt issued by the Supreme Court for not writing letters to the Swiss authorities to reopen graft cases. The president often shows his respect for the courts through his statements. I think he personally has no grudge against the judiciary and if so, then he should be aware of those who misguide him with their mischievous advices. Being the chief of ruling party, he should also find out a genuine solution of the ongoing government-judiciary conflict. Sacrificing a prime minister after every quarter of the year is not a solution.
I think there is an historic opportunity for Mr Zardari being the co-chairman of the PPP. He can register his names in good books of history simply by taking a decision that proves to be an end to the current row without harming the dignity of any institution.