SC throws down the gauntlet on contempt law


While the government has signed into law the new contempt of court act only the other day, the SC took the matters to new heights by issuing notices to the federation and the Attorney General to file their response, while rejecting a plea for stay against the newly implemented Contempt of Court Act 2012, during a hearing on a petition filed against the newly legislated law.
A three-member bench of the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and comprising of Justice Jawwad S Khawaja and Justice Khilji Arif Hussain heard the petition filed by Baz Muhammad Kakar. The petitioners challenged the changes made to the Contempt of Court Act. The petitioners were being represented by prominent lawyers Athar Minallah and Hadi Shakeel advocate. The petitioner, during his arguments, said that the bill was in conflict with basic clauses of the constitution. “Article 2A guarantees freedom of the judiciary while according to Article 25, all citizens have equal rights,” he added. Athar Minallah in his arguments before the bench said that the purpose of law of contempt of court was to seek justice and it could only be possible through an independent judiciary. He said that the newly amended law was in contradiction with the constitution and was legislated to benefit few individuals. He said that the newly amended law was not only a hurdle in the way of dispensing justice but also against the independence of judiciary, praying for the law to be declared null and void.
The chief justice remarked that the ‘people’ who were responsible to run the country must be able to protect its constitution also. Renowned legal expert, Athar Minallah, during his arguments, said that according to the Article 190 of the Constitution, the executive was bound to act under the constitution. The Chief Justice in his remarks said that if the people were not made answerable for not implementing the court orders, then the courts would pass their judgments in the morning while panelists would criticise the court in their TV talk shows for not getting their judgments implemented. The court said in its orders that since important questions have been raised in the petition regarding the independence of judiciary, it was necessary to review them. However, the court rejected the plea for granting a stay against the newly amended law and said that all the identical petitions should be put before the court for next hearing on July 23.
PBC challenges the contempt act: It is not just one or two persons who seems to have a bone to pick with the new law, there seems to an unending streak of petitioners who want the law to be nullified.
The Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) on Friday also rejected the changes in the Contempt of Court Act and announced its decision to challenge it in the Supreme Court. The PBC meeting, which was convened at the resolution of five members, termed the Contempt of Court Act 2012 as unconstitutional. It also adopted a resolution condemning the act. The resolution said that the PCB would challenge the new act in the apex court. The PBC also gave a call to observe Black Day on July 23 against the Act. The council has appealed the bar associations of the country to hoist black flags on their offices and observe complete strike on that day. The law has also been challenged in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Lahore Registry. Azhar Siddiq Advocate, the petitioner, bears the stance that the new law is a conspiracy against the judiciary and an act to damage NRO implementation case. He said that the government had tried to make amendment in the constitution by providing relaxation to the president, prime minister and other personalities. He also demanded the trial of all the members of the senate and the parliament who voted in favour of the new law under Article 6 of the Constitution. On Thursday, the legal fraternity across the country observed a strike on the appeal of their respective bar associations to protest the new contempt of court law passed by parliament. Lawyers expressed their solidarity with the chief justice and Supreme Court, many of whom completely boycotted court proceedings in district courts while a partial strike was observed at the Lahore High Court (LHC). It is vital to mention here that President Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday signed into law a newly approved bill aimed at providing blanket immunity to all public office holders against contempt of court – a move that will have a direct bearing on the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) implementation case. Under the new Contempt of Court Act 2012, if an accused or convict of contempt of court files an appeal, the order will remain suspended till the final disposal of the matter.


  1. zardari musy pay. This law must be found unconsttutional. Here is another turning point for the country. Jiayalas must die.

    • many people died having the same wish and judge jinaza was eaten by bees and 3 funeral participants also died. do u want ur jinaza to be eaten by bees

      • @afzal chan. What do you think ZAB and BB are doing right now? Probably being barbequed on coals 🙂

        • Waiting for Zardari, Galani, Nawaz, Shabaz, Hamza, Maryam, chookidar aashiq capt safdar, and all their supporters in Jannah???? 🙂

        • but that s probably! and Zialul Haq was really Barbequed in plane and ur judge mushtaq was eaten away by bees along with three people. This happened really but as for ZAB or BB we never know and u also said "probably"

          • @afzal chan. I said probably because I'll never know. However, when you get there you can write to me and let me know for sure. They could also be having their skin pulled from their bodies. I'm not sure about the schedule there but 'm sure its quite entertaining 🙂 I'm sure fauzia wahab is also making her way there to them.

          • But I m more sure than anyone about Imran Khan because he begot an invalid daughter out of illicit relations with a US woman and then left them in lurch. At least this man will never escape from the wrath of god's angels. I am not sure abt Zardari, Nawaz, BB or ZAB or Fazloo but I can bet on Imran Khan

          • @afzal chan. You might be right about Imran Khan and he may be the worst person in the world but that still does not excuse what ZAB, BB and now zardari are doing. Atleast Imran is not raping the country like zardari is. Pakistan is a country of around 200 million people. Laws should be made to be applicable to all. We should not be treating a preveliged few different than the rest. If we do then we are basically saying that somehow they are better than the rest and should be beyond reproach. You may think they are better than you but I don't. I may not have the same official position as them but I just might have as many assetts as them. Does that make me better than the rest of the country. I don't think so. I shoiuld be punished the same way if I break the law as anyone who might be working as a clerk somewhere. What you do for one, you must do for all.

      • @Grazer. I love torturing the jiayalas. I need to figure a way to strike a nerve with n-leagueres also. I will. Jiayalas are easier because they are more emotionally charged.

        • You love torturing them – because your sister was s*e*x*u*a*l*y tortured – its obvious you are showing your pain to everyone….. everyday… haahaha

          • @Spi-sy-der-man. You must be a jiayala. Tell me why you take everything against ppp leadership so personal? Why do you come to their defense? Your sisters may have sucked them when they were teenagers but that was a long time ago. You mom is probably too old and fat now and of no use to them. Your wife probably could take it thru all her holes just like your younger sister but that still does not explain your behavior. Oh. Your father was probably bent over by this leadership and they must have some pictures of him. Is that the case?

          • @Spi-sy-der-man and @afzal chan. Did you know that your sisters are keping you busy on the net so they could go and do each other. @afzal chan. Your sister came all over me and spi-der-man's sister had to lick it off. They both enjoyed it though. I have to admit, spi-sy-der-man's sister knows how to work he muscles betwen her legs. She told me she has been practicing since she was very young. She said afzal chan's sisters showed her a few tricks too.

          • @Spi-sy-der-man and @ afzal chan. Don't misunderstand me. I don't discriminate between your sisters. They can both suck and they both swallow 🙂 I bet you did not know that about your sisters. You moms told me they like it in the back but they also said thay your fathers also like it in the back. Is that true?

          • @ afzal chan. Your sister told me that you tried to do it with her but your father said that she was only his. I hope that didn't hurt your feelings. Your younger sister said she enjoyed it with you but not as much as she did your father.

          • @Spi-sy-der-man. You know the big bamboos that you see in your mom's room. they are there for a purpose. Since your father wouldn't do her and no other man in the neighborhood would either, she had to resort to extreme measures. You can't blame her. She had to do something to satisfy her 🙂

          • @Spi-sy-der-man and @afzal chan. I bet both of you are friends and both of you are doing each others sisters. Do you compare notes to see whose sister is better? Do your moms stay in the room and give your sisters instructions? I bet your father are doing each other too. Are their holes bigger than your mothers? Just curious 🙂

          • @afzal chan and @Spi-sy-der-man. Now I know why jiayalas are such a closed knit community. They like to keep it in the family. I bet every jiayala has a little bit of zardai (literally) in them.

          • @Spi-sy-der-man and @afzal chan. tell your sisters to wash between their legs otherwise it will get sticky 🙂

          • @Daddy – i think i penetrated well and deep inside you- that's why you are shouting like a dame…. Okay now start again showing your pain……

          • Spi-sy-der-man. Seems like Daddy is gone. I was following the comments and I must say you can take some abuse. Its just unbelievable how bad he was abusing you. I showed the comments to my friends and they could not believe it either.

          • @Daddy you got great pain becoz I showed u truth about Imran Khan and you got so much irritated that u wrote 8 comments hahah you right into ur rectum and now u bleeding and crying.

          • @Daddy u ran away and I see your back with ur ass bleeding leaving a trail of blood behind

    • correction: have destroyed the country. There is no law and order in Balochistan, KP, Punjab & Sindh, yet the President stays confined to his bed.

      Death be soon his partner in bed. Amen

  2. The courts has spread anarchy in Pakistan and it must be contained. All internationalmedia is criticizing over-activism and politicization of SC. The law is neceassary. The SC has become centrepoint of activities of conservatives and jihadies.

  3. The editorial staff of this newspaper has a rotton mindset and afraid of logical criticism. The editorial staff seems to be comprising of morally bankrupt minds and they block every objective analysis. They need mental catharsis. By stoping freedom of expression they think they r serving the state.Ridiculous

  4. Now look at my above comments which are almost grilling the editorial staff and they published it. But they did not publish my objective analysis of Pakistan's political situation which was thought-provoking, and could give some awakening to the readers. But these guys dont want to see the reality which could provide a way to understand and rectify the situation. Mentally bankrupt people.

  5. What a tragedy for Pakistan. Whle the country is bleeding to death there is one man who will not budge about his money come what may come. He has rewritten the law to protect himself." The country can go to hell but i will not yield. I am the president courstey of my late wife. " Storms come and go but my funds are safe. Oh i forgot about the letter it will be written but the contents will not be disclosed due to security risks to pakistans ,economy. After all Shariff brothers are not asked to write letters. They are my partners too.

    • why r u so sure he has money and why dont u ask other people who also did mammoth corruption and had their money abroad. will only this man's money save pakistan and others illegal money if brought back will destroy country

  6. Please stay cool. Nothing is wrong, Democracy is working. You and your opponents have same rights. Let the system work. The sanity should prevail.

  7. All this Bhutto BS is nothing but idol worship. No wonder they like to keep their puppets (jiyalae's) uneducated. As long as they have a vote, nothing else matters….

  8. Two sets of cases the Supreme court is interested in: Baloch missing person and everything to do with the Government. Great dispensation of Justice

  9. SC is absolutely right. This is mockery of the constitution & Zardari Yakuza and co. will pay.

    Finally a prayer: death to every jiyala.

  10. SC is acting odd with the system – they are not letting the Executive to work for the people nor SC is not allowing the Parliament to legislate. Infact SC is behaving like a "Malware" and not allowing the "Antivirus software" to get update .Exe. This SC is infected with "CH.VIRUS"…… the system needs a fresh "Boot"-up and probably installation of new Operating System after a complete formatting. No doubt' only a Licensed Microsoft Product will guarantee crash-proof system – Look-out towards USA for a branded hard/software… This all happened due to a "CH.VIRUS"… I repeat.

  11. Just look at the phurti of Chaudhry Court. Dual PCO Iftikhar must be excited. He hears all cases except those pertaining to Sharifs and general public. His interests are very limited. The strategy is to hide corruption of judges by throwing mud on others.

  12. @Shahid and Spi-sy-der-man, you r absolutely right in ur analysis. SC has lead Pakistan to an impasse. How come they think they can resolve Pakistan problems when they cud not eliminate bribery from judiciary. This s ridiculous. They hv put democracy and federation at the edge of disaster. Something needs to be done.

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