Keep it up, Aamir


Apparently the message which Aamir Khan has been trying to convey in his hit TV talk show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ latest episode, has been well received. That’s why he is facing the wrath of doctors for highlighting malpractices in the medical profession. An umbrella body of 21 medical associations has asked Aamir to apologise. Unethical medical practices, corruption and scandalous revelations by those who have suffered at the hands of doctors was the topic of the talk show’s fourth episode.
It’s true that a profession can’t be scandalised due to malpractice of a few, but this word ‘few’ has lost its literal meanings, as such malpractices are quite widespread.
Should he apologise and surrender? No, I don’t think so; otherwise, how can he talk in coming episodes about corrupt practices among police, lawyers and judges, irregularities and commercialism in education sector, deep rooted corrupt political system, graft, extortion and profiteering culture? If today doctors become successful by stopping Aamir Khan, then tomorrow every other institution will assume its right to get way with whatever its been doing by organising few press releases, street protests, boycotting Aamir’s talk shows and films etc.
Aamir should be congratulated for highlighting those evil issues who are eating away the society, issues we like to be limited to intellectual discussions in our drawing rooms, but felt ashamed discussing these in the public. We see positive response from some quarters as well — his earlier episodes on female feticide and child sex abuse have made waves — Lok Sabha has at last passed the long awaited ‘Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Bill’.
Keep it up, Aamir!
Jubail, Saudi Arabia