Power outages top agenda of Federal Cabinet meet


A special meeting of federal cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani, will be held on Wednesday.
The issue of power outages tops the ten-point agenda of the meeting.
Implementation on the decisions of the cabinet will be taken into consideration, while the previous decisions finalized in the session of ECC that held on May 15, will also be endorsed.
Moreover, the cabinet will approve amendment-draft of Capital Development Authority Ordinance 1960.
The rise and fall in the prices of edibles will be analysed and MoU for cooperation with Libya in technical and defence sectors will also be approved.


  1. Most of these cabinet member are thieves. P.M who is chairing the meeting is head of Drug mafia. He is more intereted in prosporous Multan Drug Cartel. Naveed Qamar must fast asleep in the meeting. Theses are imcompetent people who are interested in Raping the nations and then expect that no one should complain even after getting raped.

  2. Mr. Prime Minister your tenure as Prime Minister will be considered the most unfruitful period in the hisrory of our country. Energy Crisis, law and order situation, education employment etc.etc speak volumes and bear witness.
    I am not sure if you understand what you have done to this country or you are so naive and simple that being prime minister was in itself your goal and performance is none of your concerns then pity our nation for being governed by the minions of luck.

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