Unethical practioes


It takes me into the custody of grief, to quote an incident of last September, which was more than tragic, traumatic and heart breaking. A boy, Mehr Ali of Rawalpindi, about to enter his teen-hood reached his final destination much early. It was his teacher, who allegedly gave him a strenuous punishment, causing him to lose breath, and fall from the eighth step of stairs of the school building. The result of this was pathetic, as he got his spinal cord damaged badly and eventually the hopes died.

Although Mehr Ali, an apple of his parent’s eyes has departed for good but has left us with the silent message explaining the drastic effects of corporal punishment in schools.

This message speaks of the violent drills, which most of the school teachers give, without knowing the pros and cons. Knowing the physical attributes of the child, they sometimes increase the drill period. The basic reason of writing this is not to measure the time limit, but to request the government of Pakistan to ban all sorts of physical punishments in government and private schools. The teachers should be repeatedly given training about to help the students in building up a good future, and not play with it.

Children are entitled to care, security and a good upbringing. They should always be treated with respect and love, and not with corporal punishment or any humiliating treatment.

