US-Taliban talks


After opening of Taliban office in Qatar and initiation of talk process between America and Taliban, it may be assumed that peace will be established at last. For the last many months, America was trying to hold talks with the Taliban. It tried to have the same through Karzai government but failed to achieve success. At the same time when America was trying to establish good relations with Taliban it was pressurising Pakistan to do more. It seems America has yet to learn about the sociology of this region as it has totally forgotten Pakistan and hasn’t included the same in negotiations. If America really wants to establish a sustainable peace in the region then it has to take Pakistan on board. America and NATO both have to address Pakistan’s concerns for durability in the peace.

America must accept that dynamics of the Taliban are totally different which they can’t understand. Pakistan is the country which understands Taliban well and their dynamics. Any peace talks negating Pakistan’s critical role in Afghanistan will be a total failure and would prove to be a futile effort.

