Beyond claim


Are we living in the 21st century? Have we left behind the centuries old practices of absolute dictatorship (might is right), slavery, gender discrimination and human rights abuses? Yes, we claim that we are now living in a different world that is proud of prevailing democracies, across-the-board justice and equal human rights regardless of caste, creed, gender, religious affiliations. But have we really gone beyond the claim? The champions of democracy will come to help you only if democracy in your country is in their favour. Otherwise, they will continue to support dictators, one-man-show, in the name of stability.

Yes, physical slavery was officially abolished few decades back, however, economic enslavement in the name of globalisation is on the rise. What prompted me to write this letter is the video recently posted on web showing four American soldiers urinating on three corpses, apparently of Afghan Taliban.

What is the difference between these soldiers bound by various post-WW II conventions and the ruthless and brutal forces of the past fighting for emperors and kings with no obligation for human rights?

Let’s put aside the rhetoric of democracy, human rights and gender equality; we are still the same people as we were under Pharaohs, Greek, Roman and the later empires – rights and justice only for my own people.


Jubail, Saudi Arab