Used imported cars better than local


This is with regards to the article, “Market flooded with used cars”, published on 4th of January. Local car manufacturers have completely failed to provide good cars at affordable prices. They have created a monopoly and increased the prices by 250 per cent in the last four years, while rupee has also devalued by 40 per cent, only in the last four years. Local manufacturers make low quality cars and sell them on high prices. Furthermore, they don’t have stocks and take months to deliver as well as their brokers take extra for delivery on time. Imported cars are used, but are in excellent condition which makes you feel that you have paid for right thing. If we do not import used cars, then we will only be able to afford a Suzuki Mehran at 2 million rupees, as the monopoly holders will be in a position to increase the price to as much as they like to. Similarly, to bring in the imported cars, we are required to pay huge taxes above 10,000 dollars on each car to the government exchequer.
