The fallacy of Imran Khan’s economic agenda


This is with regards to the article, ‘Iknomics – walking the PTI talk’, published yesterday. I found Imran Khan’s views on economy and politics in general, childish and uninformed, to say the least. in one interview, he said that Pakistan should end its alliance with USA and meet its subsequent balance of payments crisis by developing a copper mine somewhere in Pakistan. Well, balance of payments refers to current account and developing mines is in itself a capital expenditure, which will take years to materialise when Pakistan may default on its current liabilities. Moreover, if America imposes sanctions on Pakistan, after its withdrawal or Pakistan defaults, no financial institution will finance these fancy copper and coal projects. Imran Khan’s views on Taliban and peace talks with them are even more childish and reflect the Pakistan Army’s view that all is lost in tribal areas and it is best to hand over parts of tribal areas to Taliban, which will make them more ambitious. All in all, it is a sheer hopeless situation for Pakistan and Pakistanis’ inability to accept that their state and its idea has failed which is what makes them desperately cling to a mirage called, Imran Khan. In my opinion, Nawaz Sharif would be a much better bet for Pakistan.

Financial Analyst


  1. Ending alliance with US does not mean Pakistan is going to fight US. Why would US or international community impose sanctions on Pakistan when Pakistan has not committed any wrong. So your assumption is totally baseless. And we can generate revenues by imposing transit fee on US / NATO cargo as they are not leaving over night. They have ambitions beyond 2014.

    Negotiating with Taliban is not childish, even US is forced to negotiate with them. You can control them but cannot completely eliminate them. And at the end of every war, you have to sit on negotiating table.

    Yes! Nawaz Shairf will be better choice as he has history of surrendering to Taliban without fight. Remember, his deal with Tahreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadi (Movement for Implementation of Muhammad’s Shariah), SWAT.

  2. This is weird, Imran has yet to define his economic agenda and you are already analysing it?

    But I am sure Imran's agenda would be better than PPP and PMLN's economic agenda which is simple "Luttoo tey phuttoo".

    Every thought of analysing their agenda?

  3. after all, imran khan is not master of all trades. you should encourage him, instead of pulling his leg. he is the only hope for pakistan., If you look towards China's so rapid progress, that is due to the fact that they have brought forward their younger leadership through grooming, training.

  4. A totally biased article by a pseudo financial analyst. The concluding line reflects your partisanship. How could you say that sharif would be a better bet without even analyzing his economic agenda? How could a financial analyst comment on the security situation and the war on terror? I am pretty sure you were tipped by the bald brothers for this service.

  5. No the writer is absolutely right about Nawaz Sharif! In 1998 when NS was Prime Minister Pakistan had a growth rate of over 10%. The unemployment rate was close to zero and there was no inflation. The banks were filled with dollars, milk and honey flowed every where. People freaked out over such abundance and celebrated his departure with gun fire, sweets and dancing. Maaldar aadmi ka tikana jahanum!
    Even if everything goes wrong, don't worry every one will at least get a yellow cab & a laptop! And the ones with nuisance value a corner plot!

  6. Everybody calls himself an expert these days… this article is completely shallow and based on personal prejudice rather than logic and facts… What does the so called financial analyst suggest than? Vote for PML-N or PPP again so that they can destroy completely whatever is left of Pakistan.. Pathetic article written by even a more pathetic and shallow analyst…

  7. no e-mail, no contact of financial analyst!!!
    sorry i will not buy your thesis unknown financial analyst!!

  8. I wish the analyst had restrained himself to his area of expertise which deserves second thought.

    No where Imran said that Baluchistan will be handed over to Taliban as such or impliedly. It's another matter that cynicism can imply such a horrible conclusion based on his insistence to engage 3.5 lac Tribal people in Waziristan to counter 6-8k rogue militants. Khan's mother belonged to Waziristan and during 1990s he wrote a book by visiting each area of all Tribal belts, and he made a factual statement that Wazirstani people have always been pro-Pakistani before Army's brutal, indiscriminate operation as part of its ambition to serve empire of US.

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