Give ’em a befitting reply


This is with reference to the news item that appeared in your esteemed paper. Is it a coincidence that two NATO helicopters attacked our checkpost on Pak-Afghan border located 50 kilometres away from Mohmand Agency killing 26 soldiers including two army officers and injuring over 15 personnel, and Indian Foreign Minister Krishana making a statement that India was awaiting “decisive” action against the perpetrators of the 2008 Mumbai attack.

It appears that it was a well-coordinated effort on the part of US and India to divert the attention of Pakistan from NATO helicopter attack. Basically, a pressure tactic to sideline the issue of the attack.

Nato commanders have all the information about the deployment of our troops in the area. These were permanent checkposts known to them for years; therefore, it cannot be termed as an error of judgment.

It is a deliberate attack against our sovereignty mainly to see our reaction and prepare for future operations within Pakistan for which they have been openly hinting at. It is time to give befitting answer to such violations. Issuing of statements, condemning the action, calling the US ambassador to foreign office is part of SOP, what we need is practical action.

When the Taliban can fight the US for 10 years and can survive and force the Americans to leave Afghanistan, what is preventing us not to retaliate? We are better equipped to face the US action.

Enough is enough. No more nonsense. Can apologies or protests bring back the lives of the dead soldiers? Can apologies give relief to the families? Can monetary compensation substitute human lives? The answer is no.

Let us pick up courage and show to the world that Pakistan is capable of defending its frontiers. Courage is the most important of all virtues because without courage you cannot practise any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.

