Bad road conditions


Almost all the roads in Karachi are ruined. The situation has become serious and causes many accidents and sometimes extensive damage to vehicles. Many accidents happen daily due to the worsening conditions of the roads. Citizens of the city pay their vehicle taxes and deserve better roads or at least roads that are good enough to drive on.

The lack of a proper drainage system is also responsible for the damage. It should come as no surprise to find that a poor drainage system results in water flooding roads and that in turn results in damaging them. The present situation has really become painful and distressing for the citizens who need to use these roads to commute from one place to another.

The residents of Karachi, or for that matter the entire country, deserve better than what they are getting. It is a right of every citizen to have better roads to drive on. The whole transport system is badly affected due to the poor conditions of the roads. The concerned authorities are requested to take necessary action in this regard.

