Change in Pakistan


Lately, the world has experienced an uprise from some Arab nations for their very basic freedoms which had been seized from them by their so-called dictators and corrupt Arab leaders. Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and other small Arab nations have shown such unity towards a common goal of coming out of years of oppression.

We as Pakistanis’ are also a deprived nation and our very own corrupt leaders have converted 41 percent of the nation to live under poverty lines while ballooning their own accounts and properties many folds in the past several years.

This poverty has in turn created bigger problems which we see in our everyday life by way of ever-increasing robberies, snatching of properties, target killings, strikes, bomb blasts, kidnappings and brutal killings, sometimes by people and sometimes by the so-called protectors to name a few.

We have heard about the revolution many times as one way of bringing this nation back on track, sometimes by some leaders but mostly in talk shows on different media channels. As per state of the nation, I am truly of the opinion that as a nation we will never ever come close to have any such revolution in our lifetime, just because we are a divided nation. We can find Sindhis, Punjabis, Pashtuns, Mahajirs, Saraiki and so on but we hardly find Pakistanis in a state where the struggle for such revolution can begin.

True Pakistanis all over the world can only pray for such a day to come and that will be the day of rebuilding Pakistan, the way Iqbal and Quaid envisaged for us. God save Pakistan from evils, from inside and outside.


Mississauga, Canada