Indian somersaults


India is constantly worried about the role of Pakistan after the US and NATO forces leave Afghanistan. It foresees that the latest developments in the Pakistan US relations are indicators that Pakistan is ready to fill in the vacuum. This reality is a trauma for India as it is struggling hard to gain some foothold or at best be able to win some goodwill in Afghanistan.

From the very start, India tried to use its friendly tactics by providing expertise in military training, teachers support program and inviting students to study in India. In the name of entertainment Afghan markets were flooded with Indian movies, books and CDs of all kinds. India also tried to help in constructing roads, building bridges and dams. Indian dreams to influence the mindset of the people of Afghanistan have been shattered.

This is leading India to propagate more and more against Pakistan. It is using all diplomatic mileage to alienate Pakistan from the world community. It is presenting Pakistan as not a good ally which should not be trusted to effect foreign aid and investment. Indian print and electronic media continuously highlight the internal problems of Pakistan negatively. Above all it has intensified its anti Pakistan Army campaign after US operation in Abbottabad.

Analysing the Indian propaganda one notices that India is trying its optimum to exploit any misunderstandings between Pakistan and US. Indian propaganda messages are focused to widen the rift and provoke US to think on the lines that Pakistan is using dual policy therefore; it is hesitant in accepting major US demands.

Indian mental chaos reveals that indirectly they are acknowledging the vision of Pakistan and its Army leadership which can convince the global players to understand the significance of Pakistan in the region. The role Pakistan can play is beyond the capacity of any other country and cannot be compromised, though there may not be friends or foe in today’s world but certainly there are some principals and ethics to be observed while playing propaganda games under the title of ‘Amn ki Asha’.

