Afraid of LGs


Why are the provincial governments afraid of holding local government (LGs) elections? Why are the chief ministers of provinces not interested to share the powers with the Nazims? When these politicians speak of people’s rights and want their welfare, why should the people not benefit from democracy at grass root levels?

Without participation of community, the socio-economic problems of the people cannot be solved. Allowing the people to have their destiny in their hands is the real democracy. Why do the chief ministers and provincial governments trust bureaucracy more than the people who elected them?

Why is the CM Punjab, who is now reciting Habib Jalib’s revolutionary poetry in public addresses and pointing out social injustice in society, not setting an example for other provinces by holding local bodies elections? I wonder why all the dictators created LGs and held elections at grassroots level and tried to empower the common people whereas the politicians did not.

Why are the politicians in favour of the British colonial system of Commissioners? Why should the police force not be empowered enough to be able to implement the law?

