Bull in china shop


The recent drone attacks on a Tribal jirga in North Wazirstan resulting in 46 deaths and 50 injured persons is a stark reminder of the US brutality. It appears our tribal people are being used as human guinea pigs to test the efficiency of remote controlled drones operated by robotic humans with no sense of human values. Never in history such inhuman acts of killing innocent people on a large scale by drones have been witnessed. It is not understood as to what is achieved by such barbaric blood curdling acts of mayhem.

It would only incite to further escalated acts of suicide bombing in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. Ones heart bleeds at such news of mass murder. Pakistanis are being hunted like dogs by drone attacks that must be stopped by our air force that is supposed to defend Pakistan. What good are our F-16s for if these cannot stop a bull in our china shop?

