Zoning sugarcane growers


This is to highlight plight of sugarcane farmers of Sindh who have been forced to confine the sale of their crop to mill owners within declared zones to facilitate powerful lobby of sugar mill owners. There is no law passed by parliament which restricts the choice to farmers to sell their crops to buyers within certain specified demarcated zones.

This is abuse of powers by powerful sugar cartels who now want to deny the small farmers of their profits. If this illegal precedent is allowed to continue, what will happen tomorrow when wheat growers in south Punjab are forced to sell their stocks to wheat mills located in their areas, or the same is done in KP or central Punjab. This abuse by the powerful sugar mill cartels must be exposed and the culprits punished, irrespective of their political affiliations.




  1. We are fully support the cause of Sindh sugarcane growers and think that it is PPP which is risponsible for the exploitation of the cane growers of Sindh. We appeal the central government to protect the interests and rights of the sugarcane growers of the Sindh province. We believe the destruction of Sindh growers is the destruction of Pakistan.

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