On the murder-6


The brutal senseless killing of Governor Punjab, Salmaan Taseer should be condemned by all loyal and sane citizens of Pakistan across the political divide. It is time we realise the damage done to this country by those who have distorted the vision of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Mohammad Iqbal, by introducing the Objectives Resolution.

We need to understand that Pakistan can only survive as a peaceful democratic welfare state when men of character, integrity and vision can lead it. Pakistan was not created to be run by minions like Zia-ul-Haq, Hameed Gul, Musharraf and the corrupt political opportunists who have always abused their power for greed, nor can the ideology and history of Pakistan be allowed to be distorted, as it has been by the self assumed custodians of Tehreek-e-Pakistan.

If any individual, God forbid, does not believe in the finality of prohethood of Muhammad (PBUH), he is automatically cast out of the fold of Islam and this should never have required any legislation. The Quaid had very clearly elaborated his vision in the address that he made on 11 August 1947, which should have formed the basis of drafting our constitution within a reasonable period of time, instead of intentionally delaying the process, which gave a chance to adventurers like Ayub Khan to take over.

The cleric of KP who gave fatwa for the head of late governor is as much guilty as the man who pulled the trigger. Equally responsible are those who have filled the rank and file of police and other law enforcing agencies with recruits on political recommendations, sifarish or bribery. There should be a thorough scrutiny of all those who are serving in law enforcement and security agencies, so that they are thoroughly cleansed. The state of Pakistan has to decide that culprits and criminals who commit murder or other heinous crimes must be punished in accordance with the law, instead of compromises for political conveniences.

In any case our religion very clearly states that it is the sole jurisdiction of Almighty Allah to punish, at his sole discretion, those who in his judgment have committed any sin on the Day of Judgment. When clerics or individuals take upon themselves this task, which is the jurisdiction of Almighty Allah, they commit Shirk. The state is only empowered to punish criminals who have harmed other human beings and as such are a danger to the society.

For far too long we have tolerated violence as a tool for so called pursuit of religion and other vested political interests and today the law of jungle prevails in Pakistan. The state must have zero tolerance for violence or corruption committed on any pretext with no exception as to political exigencies. There should be rule of law in Pakistan without exception as to caste, creed or sex.

