As vocal pulpit, Senate acts as peoples’ conscience

  • Parliamentary activism thrives in House of Federation under Raza Rabbani

Senate is fast changing its repute of a place for idle, politically-connected millionaires, old academics, and former technocrats to a vocal pulpit acting as conscience of Pakistani people.

Under the Chairmanship of Raza Rabbani – a veteran politician since March 2015, the previously dormant upper house is not only leased a new life but also expanded its role in legislation and overseeing. The biggest achievement of Senate under Chairman Rabbani is inclusion of five senators in the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Since its inception, the PAC comprised exclusively of National Assembly members. On February 21, 2017, Sherry Rehman of PPP, Abdul Ghafoor Haideri of JUI-F, Chaudhary Tanveer Khan of PML-N, Senator Hidayatullah from FATA and Mushahid Hussain Syed of PML-Q attended the PAC for the first time in country’s history. All the senators also represent the federating units in the apex committee that oversees the finances and spending of public funds by government institutions.

One fine example of parliamentary activism can be found in an act of open defiance on Senate’s part. When Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif issued an executive order pertaining to transferring regulatory authorities, the Senate chairman issued a ruling that said the prime minister without approval from the Council of Common Interests (CCI) cannot transfer a regulatory authority from one ministry to another.

In December 2016, a notification was issued by the Cabinet Division that placed NEPRA, PTA, PPRA, and OGRA under the Water and Power Division, Information Technology and Telecom Division, Finance Division, and Petroleum and Natural Resource Division respectively. Rabbani went to the extent of calling the move ‘unconstitutional’ and beyond the executive power of the prime minister.

In recent years, Senate has also demanded more say in matters of the state by demanding more power and authority to the federating units in spirit of 1973 Constitution. A plethora of resolutions was passed by Senate during this parliamentary year, many aimed for greater role in financial matters like approval of NFC award, equal vote during joint sitting of the parliament among others.

Chairman Rabbani proved to be the linchpin of the house of federation i.e. Senate. From writing an open letter documenting failure of NAB to opposing military courts, he has proved himself, time and again, as a conscientious leader of the house who pays strict regard to rules and procedures as laid down in the constitution.

The Senate’s standing, functional and special committees during the 2016-2017 have formulated more than 120 reports ranging from functioning and performance of PIA, Pakistan Steel Mills to the bills for electoral reforms and the participation of members of the Senate in committees far way better than their counterparts in the National Assembly, as shown by repeated reports by PILDAT and FAFEN, two independent think tanks working in legislative and public policy initiatives.

The parliamentary activism under the Senate chairman greatly differs from the judicial activism of former chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhary. Where the former chief justice relied solely on suo motus to practice his new found powers, the senate chairman sticks to the big green book i.e. constitution in letter and spirit.