Anti-corruption strategy yielding positive results: NAB chairman


National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry on Thursday said that anti-corruption strategy was yielding positive results.

Chairing a meeting held to review the latest progress on Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) at the NAB headquarters, he said that effective strategy to combat corruption was producing positive results.

In line with initiatives of the chairman, MES was introduced to measure and evaluate performance in quantitative and qualitative manners, HE SAID. The adviser gave presentation on MES progress in NAB headquarters and its regional bureaus in line with decisions taken in previous meeting on December 1 about its efficacy in the future.

He informed that the MES had been developed catering to the needs of all concerned and have salient features of maintenance of data at each stage including complaint entry, complaint verification, inquiry, investigation, prosecution stage and record proceedings of regional board meetings and executive board meetings.

The chairman said an effective accountability mechanism was quintessential for economic growth, investment and stability of social order.

He said that since its inception, NAB had chalked out a comprehensive anti-corruption strategy comprising enforcement, awareness and prevention to educate the people, and it was yielding positive results.

He said the basic purpose of introducing MES was to monitor implementation of decisions and outputs systematically. He said MES forms basis for modification of interventions and assessing quality of activities being conducted, and added that the MES helps with identifying the most valuable and efficient use of resources.

It was very critical and important for developing objective conclusions as MES provided necessary data to guide strategic planning and helped improving performance and achieving results to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact.

The chairman said MES was very important management tool to monitor progress and it facilitates in decision making as well as establishes links between the past, present and future actions.

He directed all NAB regional bureaus to overcome any shortcomings in implementation of MES in their regional bureaus in light of outcome of pilot project completed in NAB Rawalpindi in letter and spirit.