Homage to ZAB


How do we pay homage to a martyr who was larger than life? Zulfikar Ali Bhutto lived, worked and died like a true leader. He challenged the poor of his country to arise and seize their destiny, to break the shackles of exploitation and oppression, to hold high their heads in honour and dignity. He left an overwhelming effect on the generations after him.

He was the poetry and music of the peoples struggle. The quest for change and a new order based on social justice and egalitarianism, and order free of exploitation, can be traced in is epic struggle. He spoke to the people in their language. He owed them his success. He saved Pakistan from despair and laid the basis of a modern industrial state. He sought to make Pakistan self-sufficient and self-reliant. In just five years he restored the dignity of a defeated nation. He authored a unanimous Islamic and democratic constitution. There is no greater life than the life in the service and dedication of humanity, and ones country.

