Stop child abuse


Physical, sexual or emotional abuse can leave severe impact on the child for years. It can cause several problems in the physical and emotional development of the child. The effects of abuse can vary from child to child, depending upon the frequency of abuse, age of the child, childs relationship with the abuser, availability of emotional support and the childs capacity to cope.

Physical, emotional, sexual and neglect are the major types of child abuse. Physical abuse includes shaking, beating, hitting or burning the child. Abuse by parents can be in the form of continuously neglecting the child or failing to fulfil the childs physical needs such as food, shelter, clothing and medical care, as well as emotional needs like attention, care and affection. Such a neglected child has poor personal hygiene, constant hunger, untreated medical problems, and no social relationships.

Emotional abuse of the child involves constantly blaming or putting down the child. An emotionally-abused child shows aggressive or withdrawn behaviour, extreme fear to any new situation and extremes of passivity or aggression. In case of sexual abuse, the child shows some physical signs. The child shows emotional and behavioural changes such as extreme reactions like self-mutilation, depression.

The abused child can recover from the physical harms and injuries with proper medical attention after some duration. But, it is very difficult for the child to recover with long-lasting psychological effects. About 80% of abused children are at higher risk of developing certain serious psychiatric problems and mental illnesses. One of the most common psychological problems in a physically abused child is disruptive disorder. Physically abused child may become extremely violent or self-destructive.

We should get rid of this curse in our children and pay attention to them.

