The upright Shah


We, the Pakistanis, have earned a reputation of being corrupt, cheats and liars in our day to day dealings and in the International Markets where we are suspected of doing the same in quality/quantity of products being exported. Then there is also the impression that we can be bribed to get any favour done and so on.

The case in point is status of Raymond Davis in Pakistan who killed two Pakistanis not by accident but intentionally. The US government took it for granted that their man would be set free by getting him labeled as a diplomat (which he is not) and thus granting him immunity against any crime. If he is granted the status of diplomat, he cannot be detained, arrested or interrogated.

They perhaps also thought that by paying a few million dollars to the government or to the bereaved families they would get away with this heinous crime committed by their man. But to their bad luck, we had a foreign minister who could not be purchased in this case and refused to incorrectly change the original status of Raymond.

He withstood the American as well as the governments (which apparently has buckled) pressure and clearly stated that Davis did not enjoy blanket immunity. He sacrificed his ministry but did not bow to the tremendous pressure brought on him by the top leadership. He was removed as foreign minister on the dictation of America only for his principled stand for not granting Davis the diplomatic immunity.

On the other hand, the government had asked him to keep quiet on this issue and let the Interior Minister Rehman Malik handle it. What a joke that a ministry which has no role in granting diplomatic status to a foreigner is assigned this task? The entire nation salutes Mr Shah Mahmood Qureshi for his uprightness and speaking the truth under heavy odds without buckling under extreme pressure.

