An appeal to the Punjab government


If Punjab takes a lead and supports the present move to declare provincial languages like Punjabi, Balochi, Sindhi, Pashto and Seraiki as our national languages along with existing Urdu, the people of three provinces and Seraiki belt would support Punjab and this would create better understanding among all provinces.

I request the government of Punjab to play its role in strengthening the country and diffusing the hatred against Punjab among all other provinces.

Punjab should support creating Seraiki province in Punjab as Bahawalpur province had legal standing. Punjab should declare categorically it would respect resolutions passed by three out of four provincial assemblies against controversial Kalabagh dam.

Punjab should respect Water Accord 1991 that allows a particular quantity of water to be released downstream Kotri to save 2.7 million people from thirst and hunger who are living between Kotri and Arabian Sea and also to save Indus delta 6th largest in the world that is on the verge of unnatural death with large scale environmental hazards due to non-release of water.

These steps would not only ensure better future of Pakistan but also create good will towards Punjab and diffuse hared against it.

