Economy and war


The trend of interlinking economic woes of our country with war on terror may be true to some extent but it is not the whole truth. Our foreign policy decisions have been the product of our geo strategic position on the map of this world. To say that Pakistan is facing economic emergency because of its unconditional support to war on terror on which it is spending a lot is exaggerated.

In order to have stable economy, stable political conditions and sound law and order are indispensable. Therefore, if Pakistan doesnt take serious steps in combating this menace of terrorism, not only our image would be tarnished more but also our economy would get more into dismal state. This cycle would bring us into an impasse from which it would be tougher to emerge.

Besides, with the implementation of the 18th amendment, now all provinces would have to show more prudence in financial planning and implementation of the projects for enhanced revenue generation.

