Disarming the mind


A new bill about De-weaponising Pakistan by MQM has triggered a new game of words across the country. Regardless of the profession, every single intellectual of my country has been playing his pro-active role in this debate as it has been our nastiest tradition.

The political analysts and the political players are busy in speculating the consequences along with the pros and cons of this bill. Some people are of the view that the bill will be passed unanimously and will become part of the constitution while some claim that this bill will fail.

Apart from the apparent results, the question is that will this bill be implemented in its letter and spirit or will it be proved just a piece of paper?

We the unfortunate citizens of Pakistan do not intend to oppose such bills but we tend to oppose the way these bills are thrown in trash and have never been translated into actions. As the matter of fact, this bill is a positive move by a political party but I am afraid it is not enough.

Today, what we need to do is to change patterns of our behaviors along with de-weaponising Pakistan.

Most alarmingly, we as a nation have always been proved as hostile and inflexible in every department of life. We do not sensibly think before executing our bigoted verdicts into rigid actions. Such a critical situation does demand us to get vaccinated with tolerance and flexibility. In a nut shell, if we want peace and prosperity among our society then we must de-weaponise our minds and behaviors too.

Actions speak louder than words so let put this reality into practice from now on; otherwise we will not be forgiven by next generations.

