What’s your plan?


New Year is a time of new beginnings. It is a time to prioritise your thoughts and set your goals. While checking my to-do-list at work, something interesting caught my eye. It was the last week of December the moment of realisation of the fact that I have entered into the beginning of the end of this year. Oh yes! Another year is moving towards its conclusion and, in this fast paced life, this is the ideal time to slow down, take a break and look back at the prior eleven months before moving ahead and making new plans.

During this month, a common practice followed by more than half of the world each year is to develop a resolution plan for the New Year. Be it a plan of some business, a plan of the government bodies or a plan designed by a student, all produce their yearly plans to achieve their set targets. Though many of us do follow this act, the question arises here is that how many of us actually tag along with the decided plan. Even before that, does anyone actually glance over the past plan which was manufactured last year to be followed this year? On individual basis, are we bothered to do some groundwork to count our achievements and our losses and the reasons behind those victories or failures? I think very few people nudge their mind to go through this exercise.

I have noticed people listing numerous goals for themselves at the end of the year and the amusing part is that, they believe they can fix all the loopholes and will succeed with flying colours without ado. This, I think, can only be true if the superman was among your forefathers. Sounds realistic? No? Great! Thats my point. No one is perfect on this planet earth and keeping this perspective, we should try to be specific with our goals. You can achieve several targets but not all of them at once. Therefore, the focus should be on what are the most important tasks that must be completed in the upcoming year to bring a positive change in your life.

To exemplify, making a resolution to quit smoking may not be useful if youll not be practically trying to give up. And honestly, your sudden break-up with cigarettes is not the right solution. As you are habitual of smoking regularly, youll be provoked by the temptation of having one or two and then three or more cigarettes and next, youll be back to zero level. Hence, the best way out is to quit smoking gradually.

Similarly, just listing a mission of losing weight will not turn you into a sensational, slim and stylish star. First, think of all the positives reasons about why you want to lose weight and be affirmative about it. Then, create a diet plan to pursue and go on diet. Hey wait! Dont die of hunger, please. I sincerely want you to stay alive to create another resolution plan next year (kidding!). Here, dieting doesnt denote starvation; this means that your diet plan should contain such food items which are healthy to eat. Avoid junk food and exercise regularly. Repeat your motive each day to yourself and re-examine your agenda frequently.

With every end comes a new beginning and your New Year Resolution plan must be the beginning towards a positive change. So, think positively, be kind to yourself and to others, identify your goals and set your targets, aim to achieve but dont fear the failure and keep calculating your progress. I am going to go through the process of self-evaluation and to list down my resolutions for the approaching year. Whats your plan?

