Flattering India


After Obamas visit to India, everybody is raising concern that US is giving immense importance to India by strengthening its strategic and economic ties. Besides, the US also desires Indian membership at the UNSC and Obama has declared India a rising power. No doubt all this has bolstered India to puff its chest. Pakistan needs not worry about all this, the US is doing what it should do to boost up its weak economy and to counter the emerging power of China. The US is just buttering and using India for its own purposes because the relations between the US and China are fading with time while the strategic and economic ties between Pakistan and China are enhancing swiftly. Furthermore, China is having smoother foreign policy towards other countries as compared to the US.

As far as the matter of US support for India for the UNSC seat is concerned, it also seems an attempt to make India happy. With the presence of China and Russia at the UNSC, this dream will remain a dream. In addition, many other countries are raising voice against it.

Pakistan is not worried and is fully aware of the situation. The Pakistans stance to enhance the bilateral relation with China is really pleasant. Perhaps India needs be worried for being a part of US great game as China is kind to Pakistan and the US accepts Pakistan as an important country. Also time has shown that the US can even apologise to Pakistan when it come the question of its own interest.

