Plight of Pakistani Hajis


My parents have just returned to Delhi after performing Haj. They were provided proper rooms in buildings located within a mile from Haram and their return flight by Air India arrived with a delay of just 15 minutes from Jeddah. These arrangements were made by the Indian Government through the Indian Embassy.

The stories my parents tell of the plight of unfortunate Pakistani Hajis, most of whom were charged a premium, but provided pathetic miserable living quarters, located far away from Haram, sends a chill down my spine.

It seems the government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its national airline care two hoots about its citizens. I have heard that this mismanagement of Haj, by Pakistan Government has been going on for years.

Everybody in Pakistan or those posted to Saudi Arabia for Haj, including the staff of PIA are out to fleece or abuse poor Hajis from Pakistan. A lot of things may be bad in India viz-a-viz its minorities, like the Ayodha Masjid, but the excellent arrangements made for the Indian Muslims performing Haj should serve as an eye opener to those in Pakistan, who have exploited religion, indulged in rampant corruption and abused their powers, or usurped the constitution without any fear. Mohd Ali Jinnah, a man known for his integrity, must be turning in his grave.


New York, USA


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