Controlling inflation


If the federal government is sincere with the people, it should take the necessary measures to rein in rising prices of commodities by directing the provincial government that the local government should boost agriculture production by adopting mechanized methods of cultivation.

The federal government should waive all taxes on food items and on gas, water, electricity, petroleum products, and should not provide any subsidiary to the industries as they are not passing on this subsidiary to the consumers.

The provincial governments should establish an independent regulatory authority to control the prices of food items. The government should encourage the farmers to cultivate major crops such as wheat, rice, and sugar on private partnership basis.

It is time to live within our own means rather than begging for loans from IMF to spend on non-productive operation such as paying the perks and salaries of the administration. The Competition Commission of Pakistan should be empowered further to fine those companies and manufacturers who are indulging in cartelization. One of the reasons of inflation is prevailing rampant corruption in the government departments. The accountability law should be enforced and across the board accountability be done to control the corruption.

